Certificate: The Monster!
Let’s start with a common line of our society: Please show your certificates!
In a status driven nation like India, Certificate is put at a higher priority than the skills. And this is what has been killing India from inside over the years. Try visiting any Tier 2 or 3 city college to witness this fact!

Taking instances from my personal experience, the director of a Technical Institution had labelled my curiosity with Startup initiatives as a wastage of time & rather stick to the age old curriculum, most of which doesn’t make any sense at the end of the day.
The irony is, he’s leading an organization, from where the tech minds are going to be involved in engineering efforts in nation building & his pessimistic approaches is a hindrance for next generation.
The Government of India took the initiative of Startup India in 2016. Now we have more than 20 different state startup policies implemented PAN India, numerous DIPP & DPIIT recognized startups. In the same line, the outdated mentality towards money and business is the most dangerous threat to our country. Because a terrorist can kill few, but an institution could do so for many by killing their dreams!

The problem is the institutions pick candidates based upon academic merits than over the skills. Every year we get new PhD holders, but most of them are unable to patent their innovation or research. They aren’t involved with creating something fresh. With a trend like that, how can they guide the fresh brains with limitless possibilities! Just Think.
Recently I completed my course on Entrepreneurship with the subjects like Startup policies, PP process and things around the topic. I received a certificate for that, but completing a bachelor degree certificate is validated in our society than the things that actually matter to the individual! Isn’t so?
From my point of view the perfect time to step up to take risk is in your early 20’s as the responsibilities are few & it’s easy to move on from the failure. But in India, we use that time to learn how to be a daily worker for a company at the age of 23! We are naturally inclined towards becoming a slave! We never try to break the barriers and start something from our own.