Truth...A Myth!

Truth.. The word that is a brand itself. I don't know how to start, but let's start today! We are, in the middle of the pandemic, working towards our goals, living life, observing our surroundings and blaming others for our failures. Today we are rallying around the consensus for getting vocal for local by sharing posts and stories of startups in our city or state. In this process, we forget that we are advertising the commercial product/ services of a corporate company without even realizing its credibility!
As I am involved in the startup ecosystem in many forms, recently I came across a situation, where I was explaining about the growth of a startup that I know. During the discussion, I found that the person with whom I had sat was a customer of that startup. In the lockdown period he was sold the products at a much higher price than the MRP. I was surprised to learn this and had no response in return. That day I felt that what I did that day was not in the larger interests of the community by promoting a startup who compromises the ethics and trust of customers in a crisis situation. It's important to promote local businesses, but never do that blindly. First google about their product, get a first hand idea about their customers' feedback & then only promote them.

Indians are fond of Heros. We need inspiration to do the 9-5 jobs. Now-a-Days entrepreneurship is like a tagline that everyone wants to have. But, let me make it very clear that there are differences among a Businessman, Startup Founder and an Entrepreneur. A businessman will do business, a startup founder will earn money by implementing innovative ideas but the entrepreneur is a problem solver. That's the basic difference we need to understand.
We’ve unicorn startups in India with billion dollars of valuation and as per our perception their founders are the legends! But do we realize that 90% out of those startups are going through losses from the last 2-3 years. We need to understand that startups should try to earn from their customers rather than the investors. Investor is a gateway for business expansion, but not the way to earn profits. The day we stop seeking heroes for motivation, we will find our inner hero and believe me, that hero is more superior than any superhero. You need to realise that you and the richest person in your country both have the same 24 hours, both will take the same time for daily work then how he is earning billions in a month and you are earning 30-50 K? The day you get the answer, you will achieve your goal!

He is earning billions, because he is counting his day as minutes to minutes and you have a working hours of 9-5. If you get one more work hour you need relaxation that day or next day. Do you ever think about your future? Let me explain it to you. In the entire lifetime every human dedicates the same hours for leading a good life. Few work day and night in their 20s and enjoy life in the 40s. Few work from 20s to 60s and enjoy every evening. So finally it depends upon your mentality that how you want to lead your life.
Finally, let's back to the topic AATMA NIRVAR. The words literally mean that, we should be able to get everything from our nearby places, basically the make in India products. But here a question arises, can we have courage to buy an Indian brand smartphone instead of a foreign brand? It’s an obvious No! But at the same time we want if we made something the others should purchase it because it's local. But wait! Why? Why don't we focus on the quality? The truth is, we all are fooled by the politicians, Businessmen and media houses. As we don't have the vision of our own, we try to follow them and lose our point of view and end up fighting with each other. We blame others for their work style without any proper information about them but we never try to rectify our mistakes that we made. The day we start using our great mind that day our India will be a Great India again!
Jai Hind!